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Component <Skeleton />


PropsTypeMeaningPossible values
widthstring / numberChange skeleton widthfrom 0 to any number or string with units
heightstring / numberChange skeleton heightfrom 0 to any number or string with units
variantstringChange skeleton shapetext / rect / circle
animationstring / booleanChange skeleton animationpulse / wave / false
spaceTopnumberChange skeleton top marginfrom 0 to any number
spaceLeftnumberChange skeleton left marginfrom 0 to any number
spaceBottomnumberChange skeleton bottom marginfrom 0 to any number
spaceRightnumberChange skeleton right marginfrom 0 to any number
asstringSet skeleton render elementtag name


<Skeleton variant="circle" width={40} height={40} />
<Skeleton variant="text" width={300} />
<Skeleton variant="rect" width={210} height={118} />


<Skeleton animation="pulse" />
<Skeleton animation="wave" />
<Skeleton animation={false} />