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User connect flow

Oauth page

Moneymade server redirects user to your platform website with two query string parameters:

  • payload - base64 encoded string, which contains main info (userId, redirect urls)
  • signature - request hmac


You may set the strategy to open your website's oauth page (in the admin console):

  • popup - your website will be opened in the new window
  • iframe - your website will be located at moneymade page in the iframe

Oauth security

Signature validation should be handled at the server side

To validatie signature, follow this algorithm:

  1. Read payload and signature values.

  2. Concat the SDK public key with payload by formula:

    publicKey + payload + publicKey

  3. Create hmac using sha256 alrogithm and privateKey as encription key. Note: hmac digest should be hex.

  4. Compare created hmac and signature.

We reccomend to read payload and signature from oauth url and send it to your backend part with POST query. Don't do it at the frontend side, because private key shouldn't be shared.

You may use expressMiddleware method of node.js moneymade connect sdk to validate signature in POST query body.


See examples repository for a complete example

If signature was validated as correct, then you need to generate user accessToken and send it to moneymade server via http request.

To achieve this follow these points:

  1. Decode request data from payload parameter. (Payload is a base64 encoded JSON string);
  2. Read from decoded data these variables:
    • moneymadeAuthUrl
    • userId
  3. Handle user authorization according to your logic
  4. Send request to API to finish oauth (See request requriements below);

Finish OAuth request

To finish oauth process, you should make finish oauth request from your backend side. URL is different for production and development modes, you should see API Base url variable in your console.

Body paremeters

Request body should be JSON contains following fields:

userIduserId read from payload received from moneymade side (query string)
accessTokenaccessToken with access rights to read user balances and transactions


"userId": "05db7e8c-d4d1-4b54-a09e-5039de2e6269"
"accessToken": "329f7bd421e3a516c5d88ea8e2654735329f7bd421e3a516c5d88ea8e2654735"

Request headers

api-keyPublic key received from moneymade devs
request-signatureRequest signature received from moneymade side (signature from query string parameter)
oauth-signatureOauth signature received from moneymade (read from query string)

Close oauth popup

Dashboard opens your platform oauth page in popup or iframe. You should send following messages to main window for closing the popup or iframe:

For iframe:

If oauth authorization was sucessull: window.parent.postMessage({ status: 'OK' }, '*');

If oauth authorization was failed: window.parent.postMessage({ status: 'FAILED' }, '*');

For popup:

If oauth authorization was sucessull: window.opener.postMessage({ status: 'OK' }, '*');

If oauth authorization was failed: window.opener.postMessage({ status: 'FAILED' }, '*');